Welcome to First Baptist Church of La Crosse, Wisconsin!
We are glad to have you visit our site and learn more about our ministry.
A Note from Reverend Timm Ashley: Welcome to First Baptist’s website. We are happy to welcome you electronically to discover more about us. There are many factors that define a congregation.
First, there’s location. We’re at Main Street and West Avenue in La Crosse, diagonally across from the YMCA. From its first days in 1852 (we were the first church founded in the city); First Baptist has been close to the heart of the city. We also have the city of La Crosse close to our heart. We are a church at whose “heart” is making God’s love in Jesus a reality to our community.
Second, we are defined by our size. We are a small congregation. There are some churches into which worshipers can disappear. That’s not true here! There is no one who doesn’t “count” here. We care about individual’s ideas and goals for ministry. Being in a small congregation can be hard work. It’s hard to hide and be invisible here. Third, we are defined by being a Baptist congregation. More than that, we are a Baptist congregation affiliated with about 5500 other unique congregations across the country – the American Baptist Churches in the USA.
Regularly scheduled Sunday Worship is held at 10:00 am.
Sunday School (for all ages) and Thursday Evening Education have begun their summer hiatus. Please join us for worship, and for study again in the fall.
We have so much going on! Please reference our Calendar page to view the current calendar of events, and pay special attention to those highlighted to the right and left.
We encourage you to take a moment and browse the rest of this site to learn more about who we are and our mission here in La Crosse.
We invite you to join us in worship, learning, and fellowship as we seek God’s truth and His will in our lives.